It comes to you when you least expect it. You feel it for a second, then it disappears. And later it's back. Flooding your thoughts. Keeping you awake at night.

You're distracted. It tauns you. You want it. You fight it. Things get heated. What at first seemed simple is suddenly

You keep fighting. You break through. You have to try a little harder. It's all consuming.
It's blood.
It's sweat. It's tears.

And you get what you came for. Time passes and you move on, occasionally and nostalgically, remembering only the ease of it all. The beauty of exploration. Of falling in and out of something that, in it's own way, changed evertything, even if it was in the smallest of ways,


lunes, julio 22

hola si qe tal empiezo a escribir porque sino voy a desaparecer
algun día lo voy a hacer
no me van a ver más
no me voy a ver mas como tal
por ello y por todas mis capacidades artisticamoristikas qiero disfrutarme disfrutar para disfrutart disfrutemos
es que todo puede ser tan bello o tan diabolico
o nos perdemos
o nos encontramos
no se si hay un gris, todavia no lo encuentro
pero si es q exist
primero deberíamso pasar por blanco y por negro i guessss
habria q xplorar todos los rincones del planeta pero se nos acabarian los días
habria que conocer todas las mentes pero nos olvidariamos la nuestra
yo creo que hay que bucear en el aire, asi bien tranca
y mi vieja me la gede
y me la baja y me la sube asi q chau

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